We work year ’round…

A lot of people assume that because asphalt roofers stop working when the weather gets cold, all roofers do. Fortunately, we’re able to work year ’round because, unlike asphalt shingles, metal roofing doesn’t need to “seal”, and it doesn’t become brittle as the temperature drops. So give a call… why wait until Spring, or for your current roof to fail completely and cause interior damage during thaws?


Always on the lookout for new permanent products that may provide a good alternative to asphalt, we’ve examined several manufacturer’s synthetic, or “composite” slate shingles. Why wouldn’t we consider them? They’re gorgeous, much lighter than slate, a fraction of the cost of slate, and much easier to install with no maintenance needed. We were hopeful that we had found a compliment to our metal roofing selections for those interested in a slate roof, without the budget for slate.

As usual, we explored the warranty. And keep in mind, this is a material that rivals metal from a cost perspective, though again, much less expensive than real slate. What did we find in the warranty of several manufacturers? Believe it or not, pro-rated warranties, just like these companies provide for their asphalt products. The best of the warranties offered its 50 year pro-rated warranty with a non pro-rated period for “7 years against manufacturing defects that cause leaks”.

However, our biggest cause for concern came from a paragraph under “LIMITATIONS”. It read “Shading, stains, or discoloration to the shingles arising from outside sources such as but not limited to the sun, algae, fungus, moss, lichens or other vegetation, mole or mildew growth, or paints, chemicals or other similar materials.” Alright…so now we know that there’s no warranty against fading (shading , as they term it) or discoloration from the sun…PERIOD. Keep in mind that this is a polymer (plastic) material.

Conclusion? We’re not going near this product any more than we’re going near an asphalt product. Both appear to be temporary, with pro-rated warranties. Do you expect more from your roofing warranty? Let us know…we’d love to hear from you.


(A leading manufacturer's "40 year" shingle at 13 years. Photo taken today (8/30/11) of a home owner's roof in Amherst, Ohio)

We see it all day, every day during our appointments – people  who are beyond frustrated that they purchased a temporary asphalt roof 8 – 15 years ago that came with a 30/40/50 or lifetime warranty, only to find it failing decades earlier.  We beg you to please read the warranty in full before you commit.

One of the largest temporary asphalt roofing company’s warranty was recently extended to a “LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY”. Granted, from what I know, every warranty on a product of any kind today is “limited”. But not by as much as we see from manufacturers of asphalt roofing. In this particular warranty, in addition to being a pro-rated warranty (diminishing value every year), we see the following verbiage:

Failure to Seal/Blow-offs/Wind Damage: Coverage lasts for 15 years if lifetime shingles are installed on your roof. If other shingles are installed on your roof, coverage lasts for 5 years.

Algae Discoloration: All lifetime shingles are warranted against algae discoloration for 10 years.

It’s upsetting to us that in the same sentence, this major manufacturer uses “coverage lasts for 15 years” and “lifetime” in the same sentence. It turns out that manufacturing defects are covered for the long term and that’s about it. And most of us know that if there’s a manufacturing defect, it will usually become visible very early in the life of a product, if they ever do. The major temporary asphalt shingle manufacturers know that, thus offering you a “lifetime warranty.” They have little to lose because what they fail to cover are the things that usually happen.

As you read asphalt manufacturer’s warranties even further, you’ll find even more exclusions in the warranties. It makes us wonder how asphalt manufacturers get away with what they do. Then we remember that petroleum (aka oil) is a key component of asphalt shingles. Once again, we don’t get a fair shake from the oil companies which is unsettling.

Buyers…please beware, and read warranties for your own protection. Then read the warranties for our products. A night and day difference, I promise!

Northeast Ohio homeowners ask, “how much is a metal roof in comparison to asphalt?”

When discussing the issue of cost, it’s worth remembering that when you are considering a permanent roofing solution, as compared to a temporary roofing solution (asphalt), think hard about your objectives. Here’s a list that will help you qualify yourself as a good candidate for a metal roof…

1) do you plan on living in your house for more than 15 years?

2) are you at an age where you can see yourself replacing your roof at least two times, including this time (keeping in mind that a temporary asphalt roof lasts, on average, 12 – 15 years…sometimes as little as 9)?

3) do you enjoy the thought of owning something you’ve purchased that looks and performs as well today as it will 50+ years from now?

4)  are you someone that appreciates environmentally friendly products?

5) would you prefer a “one time fix” to an ongoing need?

6) do you enjoy feeling that you really got something of value for what you paid for it?

7) can you justify a long term investment vs. a short term purchase if it saves you a lot of money in the long run?

If you answered “YES!” to one or more of the above questions, you may very well be someone that would appreciate the benefits of a metal roof. While costs vary considerably from roof to roof based on size, complexity, and steepness, the best way to find out how much a metal roof will cost is to have Distinctive Metal Roofing provide you with a FREE quote. It’s simple and easy. While we’re at it, we’ll help you make the right decision for your set of circumstances. NO PRESSURE, NO OBLIGATION….PROMISE! Please Email or call….we’re here to help.

Hail or Wind Damaged Roof in the Cleveland Ohio area?

Here in Northeast Ohio, and in so many places throughout the country, hail and wind have really taken their toll on so many temporary asphalt roofs this Spring. Had those roofs been Kassel and Irons steel roofs, you would have been worry free. With interlocking, tongue in groove steel panels, shingle loss or uplift is a thing of the past (non pro-rated warranty for life up to 120 m.p.h. winds).

As for hail, it doesn’t have a chance with a steel panel. The surface is corrugated to provide tensile strength and already has a slightly dimpled appearance. The panels have been tested by Underwriters Laboratory against a 2″ steel ball traveling at peak velocity. Warranted against hail damage for as long as you own your home (with the same non pro-rated warranty mentioned above), your storm worries are over forever when you’ve made the smart choice of a metal roof from Distinctive Metal Roofing. Call today for your FREE estimate. We know you’ll be glad you did.

Aren’t metal roofs noisy??

By far, the #1 question we’re asked about metal roofing….”Is it noisy?”. The answer? A simple “NO”. The reason? Kassel and Irons panels have a bit of space between their surface and the decking material once they’re installed  which acts to deaden the sound. Coupled with the sound insulating qualities wood decking has, combined with the insulation in your attic, the space in your attic,  and the ceilings in your house, our customers all tell us that they don’t notice any difference between their old roof and their new permanent metal roof when it comes to sound. Now, if you’re in an old barn where there’s nothing between you and the surface of the barn’s vertical panel/standing seam roofing, sure…you’ll hear it. But on a residential home, you’ll never notice a difference. This is actually a frustration for some as they’d like to hear the “pinging” of raindrops on their roof. While we don’t like to disappoint, it simply won’t happen with our roofs when installed on a residential home.

When you call for your free consultation, we’ll be glad to share a list of references that you can call for yourself to verify this information. We’ll never tell you anything we can’t prove.


You can trust the pros at Distinctive Metal Roofing to provide you with the right product for your home AND to install it properly. Distinctive Metal Roofing was vetted by Kassel and Irons before we were granted an exclusive dealership of their product in Northern Ohio. Following a careful screening process, we earned sales and installation certifications before we could sell or install a single roofing panel. All other roofing products on the market are sold through building supply houses to anyone that walks in the door.

In addition, metal roofing is ALL WE DO. We’re not a temporary asphalt roofing or construction company that says “yeah, we can do metal roofing.” We’re specialists… we don’t do anything else and our crew is comprised of installers that have a wealth of metal roofing installation experience behind them.

The protection of your family and your house is too important to be placed in the hands of a company that does metal roofing as one of many other things they do. It’s ALL WE DO…trust the metal roofing pros at Distinctive Metal Roofing for a roof you’ll never replace again.

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36040 Caronia Circle
Avon, Ohio 44011


322 North Shore Drive
Bldg. 1B, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Now Scheduling for Spring and Summer 2025