You can trust the pros at Distinctive Metal Roofing to provide you with the right product for your home AND to install it properly. Distinctive Metal Roofing was vetted by Kassel and Irons before we were granted an exclusive dealership of their product in Northern Ohio. Following a careful screening process, we earned sales and installation certifications before we could sell or install a single roofing panel. All other roofing products on the market are sold through building supply houses to anyone that walks in the door.

In addition, metal roofing is ALL WE DO. We’re not a temporary asphalt roofing or construction company that says “yeah, we can do metal roofing.” We’re specialists… we don’t do anything else and our crew is comprised of installers that have a wealth of metal roofing installation experience behind them.

The protection of your family and your house is too important to be placed in the hands of a company that does metal roofing as one of many other things they do. It’s ALL WE DO…trust the metal roofing pros at Distinctive Metal Roofing for a roof you’ll never replace again.

Distinctive Metal Roofing logo

36040 Caronia Circle
Avon, Ohio 44011


322 North Shore Drive
Bldg. 1B, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Now Scheduling for Spring and Summer 2025