Always on the lookout for new permanent products that may provide a good alternative to asphalt, we’ve examined several manufacturer’s synthetic, or “composite” slate shingles. Why wouldn’t we consider them? They’re gorgeous, much lighter than slate, a fraction of the cost of slate, and much easier to install with no maintenance needed. We were hopeful that we had found a compliment to our metal roofing selections for those interested in a slate roof, without the budget for slate.
As usual, we explored the warranty. And keep in mind, this is a material that rivals metal from a cost perspective, though again, much less expensive than real slate. What did we find in the warranty of several manufacturers? Believe it or not, pro-rated warranties, just like these companies provide for their asphalt products. The best of the warranties offered its 50 year pro-rated warranty with a non pro-rated period for “7 years against manufacturing defects that cause leaks”.
However, our biggest cause for concern came from a paragraph under “LIMITATIONS”. It read “Shading, stains, or discoloration to the shingles arising from outside sources such as but not limited to the sun, algae, fungus, moss, lichens or other vegetation, mole or mildew growth, or paints, chemicals or other similar materials.” Alright…so now we know that there’s no warranty against fading (shading , as they term it) or discoloration from the sun…PERIOD. Keep in mind that this is a polymer (plastic) material.
Conclusion? We’re not going near this product any more than we’re going near an asphalt product. Both appear to be temporary, with pro-rated warranties. Do you expect more from your roofing warranty? Let us know…we’d love to hear from you.