Is It Possible To Install a Metal Roof in Winter?


fallIs it possible to install a metal roof in winter? This is a great question and a common concern of many homeowners.

Most home owners want to get their new roof installed before the weather turns cold. If your roof is reaching its end of life, don’t wait until your roof completely breaks down. A small leak can lead to bigger problems, causing expensive interior damage to your home.

When the weather starts to become cold, special care is required when handling asphalt shingles. When the weather drops below 50 degrees, asphalt shingles become less flexible, making them susceptible to cracking or, in severe cases, breaking apart. Asphalt shingle bundles tend to keep the shape upon which they are stacked. When nailing, it is important for the shingles to lay flat; otherwise, the nail may break through the shingle during installation. Most asphalt shingles are manufactured with a thermally activated asphalt sealant, which bonds the shingles together once they are installed and exposed to several weeks of sufficient heat from the sunlight. The thermal activation process is critical in protecting your home from wind uplift and stopping water from entering your home. Open metal valleys should be considered when working in cold weather. Woven or closed valleys require shingles to be cut and bent, which may result in shingle damage.

Unlike asphalt shingles, which become brittle when the weather turns cold and rely upon adhesives that require warm temperatures to “activate” and prevent water from entering your home, a quality metal roof can be installed year-round. A quality metal roof is interlocking and does not rely upon sealants as a primary method to protect your home from the weather. In fact, installing a metal roof in winter is the same as it is in the summer—just a little colder!

Whether you need new roofing in winter or summer, the Distinctive Metal Roofing team is available to help you with your metal roofing needs year-round. We’ll provide you with a FREE ballpark metal roofing estimate for your home over the phone, and if the cost is within your budget range, we’ll meet to show you samples and answer all your questions while effortlessly guiding you through the process of selecting your new metal roof.

The Distinctive Metal Roofing team looks forward to working with you!


Lots of streaking going on, and we don’t mean the clothe-less type. These photos were taken in Highland Park, an Avon, Ohio community. Clearly, the “algae inhibitors” didn’t do much good. Since approximately 1/2 the view of all homes is the roof, think of how much nicer these once beautiful homes would look with no streaking. Metal roofs never streak, of course. Not now, not 50 years from now.


Verbatim, this is a printed statement from a GAF Smart Choice Shingle “Lifetime” Limited Warranty. If you’ve installed asphalt shingles of any kind since September, you have cause for concern….

“All self-sealing shingles, including GAF’s, must be exposed to warm, sunny conditions for several days before they completely seal. Before sealing occurs, shingles are vulnerable to blow-offs and wind damage. Shingles installed in fall or winter may not seal until the following spring. Shingles installed in the fall or winter may not seal until the following spring. Singles which are not exposed to direct sunlight or to adequate surface temperatures or that are not fastened properly may never seal. Failure to seal, blow-offs, and wind damage under these circumstances result from the nature of self sealing shingles, not a manufacturing defect, and are not covered under this warranty.”

Integrity of an installer means everything. We’ve seen many asphalt roofs installed this winter by unscrupulous asphalt roofing installers. Did you get a “better deal” because the company was slow in the winter?  The best asphalt roofing companies simply DON’T install asphalt roofing in the winter months. Fortunately, metal can be installed any time of year as there are no “blow off” or “sealing” issues related to metal roofing.


Once again, Spring is here with the potential for both wonderful, and not so wonderful weather. Predictions have been made for a rough Spring. Should hail appear during a storm, it’s important to inspect your roof for hail damage. Hail can cause significant granule loss wherever it strikes which leads to direct sun exposure to the underlying asphalt on the shingles it effects. This will lead to cracked shingles over time and the potential for leaks. Have an insurance inspector analyze the damage after a storm if you suspect damage to your asphalt roof.

Metal roofing isn’t subject to hail damage like an asphalt roof is. Corrugated steel panels are dimpled to begin with and standing seam roofs don’t generally show dimpling. Both products are warranted for hail penetration. Kassel and Irons steel roofing is warranted for a lifetime against hail and wind uplift on a non pro-rated basis. You won’t find asphalt roofing manufacturers offering any protection for hail damage in their warranties.


Tis the season! The season for fluke storms that cause wind and hail damage to roofs, that is. Asphalt roofs are subject to blow off for some of the following reasons:


1. Nail pattern wasn’t followed properly

2. Installed in cold weather which never allowed them to seal to one another

3. Staples instead of nails were used to install them

Metal roofs are warranted with a non pro-rated lifetime warranty to provide coverage for winds up to 130 m.p.h., or more. They mechanically attach to each other, so they don’t rely on sealants to keep them attached. And needless to say, staples are never used when installing a metal roof. Plus, there’s no way NOT to follow the nail pattern due to the design of each panel.


Distinctive Metal Roofing adds Edco’s “Arrowline Slate” to their metal roofing lineup! Providing the same high integrity product that people have come to expect from us, the look of slate compliments many homes in Northeast Ohio. Many have told us that they love the look of their slate roof but don’t want to spend the money to replace it, not to mention the costs of repairing it every year as tiles crack. Metal roofing requires no maintenance or repair and comes with a non pro-rated LIFETIME transferable warranty. This gives you peace of mind for as long as you own your home and added resale value when you go to sell it. Protect your family and home by making the smartest, and last roofing purchase you’ll ever make with a beautiful, eco-friendly, permanent roof from Distinctive Metal Roofing. You’ll be so happy you did!

ArrowLine Enhanced Slate


Always on the lookout for new permanent products that may provide a good alternative to asphalt, we’ve examined several manufacturer’s synthetic, or “composite” slate shingles. Why wouldn’t we consider them? They’re gorgeous, much lighter than slate, a fraction of the cost of slate, and much easier to install with no maintenance needed. We were hopeful that we had found a compliment to our metal roofing selections for those interested in a slate roof, without the budget for slate.

As usual, we explored the warranty. And keep in mind, this is a material that rivals metal from a cost perspective, though again, much less expensive than real slate. What did we find in the warranty of several manufacturers? Believe it or not, pro-rated warranties, just like these companies provide for their asphalt products. The best of the warranties offered its 50 year pro-rated warranty with a non pro-rated period for “7 years against manufacturing defects that cause leaks”.

However, our biggest cause for concern came from a paragraph under “LIMITATIONS”. It read “Shading, stains, or discoloration to the shingles arising from outside sources such as but not limited to the sun, algae, fungus, moss, lichens or other vegetation, mole or mildew growth, or paints, chemicals or other similar materials.” Alright…so now we know that there’s no warranty against fading (shading , as they term it) or discoloration from the sun…PERIOD. Keep in mind that this is a polymer (plastic) material.

Conclusion? We’re not going near this product any more than we’re going near an asphalt product. Both appear to be temporary, with pro-rated warranties. Do you expect more from your roofing warranty? Let us know…we’d love to hear from you.

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36040 Caronia Circle
Avon, Ohio 44011


322 North Shore Drive
Bldg. 1B, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Now Scheduling for Spring and Summer 2025