(A leading manufacturer's "40 year" shingle at 13 years. Photo taken today (8/30/11) of a home owner's roof in Amherst, Ohio)

We see it all day, every day during our appointments – people  who are beyond frustrated that they purchased a temporary asphalt roof 8 – 15 years ago that came with a 30/40/50 or lifetime warranty, only to find it failing decades earlier.  We beg you to please read the warranty in full before you commit.

One of the largest temporary asphalt roofing company’s warranty was recently extended to a “LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY”. Granted, from what I know, every warranty on a product of any kind today is “limited”. But not by as much as we see from manufacturers of asphalt roofing. In this particular warranty, in addition to being a pro-rated warranty (diminishing value every year), we see the following verbiage:

Failure to Seal/Blow-offs/Wind Damage: Coverage lasts for 15 years if lifetime shingles are installed on your roof. If other shingles are installed on your roof, coverage lasts for 5 years.

Algae Discoloration: All lifetime shingles are warranted against algae discoloration for 10 years.

It’s upsetting to us that in the same sentence, this major manufacturer uses “coverage lasts for 15 years” and “lifetime” in the same sentence. It turns out that manufacturing defects are covered for the long term and that’s about it. And most of us know that if there’s a manufacturing defect, it will usually become visible very early in the life of a product, if they ever do. The major temporary asphalt shingle manufacturers know that, thus offering you a “lifetime warranty.” They have little to lose because what they fail to cover are the things that usually happen.

As you read asphalt manufacturer’s warranties even further, you’ll find even more exclusions in the warranties. It makes us wonder how asphalt manufacturers get away with what they do. Then we remember that petroleum (aka oil) is a key component of asphalt shingles. Once again, we don’t get a fair shake from the oil companies which is unsettling.

Buyers…please beware, and read warranties for your own protection. Then read the warranties for our products. A night and day difference, I promise!

Hail or Wind Damaged Roof in the Cleveland Ohio area?

Here in Northeast Ohio, and in so many places throughout the country, hail and wind have really taken their toll on so many temporary asphalt roofs this Spring. Had those roofs been Kassel and Irons steel roofs, you would have been worry free. With interlocking, tongue in groove steel panels, shingle loss or uplift is a thing of the past (non pro-rated warranty for life up to 120 m.p.h. winds).

As for hail, it doesn’t have a chance with a steel panel. The surface is corrugated to provide tensile strength and already has a slightly dimpled appearance. The panels have been tested by Underwriters Laboratory against a 2″ steel ball traveling at peak velocity. Warranted against hail damage for as long as you own your home (with the same non pro-rated warranty mentioned above), your storm worries are over forever when you’ve made the smart choice of a metal roof from Distinctive Metal Roofing. Call today for your FREE estimate. We know you’ll be glad you did.

Aren’t metal roofs noisy??

By far, the #1 question we’re asked about metal roofing….”Is it noisy?”. The answer? A simple “NO”. The reason? Kassel and Irons panels have a bit of space between their surface and the decking material once they’re installed  which acts to deaden the sound. Coupled with the sound insulating qualities wood decking has, combined with the insulation in your attic, the space in your attic,  and the ceilings in your house, our customers all tell us that they don’t notice any difference between their old roof and their new permanent metal roof when it comes to sound. Now, if you’re in an old barn where there’s nothing between you and the surface of the barn’s vertical panel/standing seam roofing, sure…you’ll hear it. But on a residential home, you’ll never notice a difference. This is actually a frustration for some as they’d like to hear the “pinging” of raindrops on their roof. While we don’t like to disappoint, it simply won’t happen with our roofs when installed on a residential home.

When you call for your free consultation, we’ll be glad to share a list of references that you can call for yourself to verify this information. We’ll never tell you anything we can’t prove.


That’s what we heard over and over again at our booth at the Home and Garden Show last week. According to statistics, the national average lifespan for an asphalt shingle is 12 – 15 years (though this includes roofs made before asphalt shingles were composed of more than 50% limestone!). But if you had sat at our booth as long as well did (nearly 100 hours in 9 days!), you’d have heard 100’s of people disgusted with the fact that their roof has failed in less than 9 years. They were disillusioned by their “35 year” roofing warranty when they found out that the warranty was a pro-rated warranty that’s only worth pennies on the dollar after the first 5 years.

While this is nothing new to us, as we see it during our client appointments regularly, next year we’re taking a video camera to record people’s comments about their prematurely failing asphalt roofs so you can hear it for yourselves. But you’re probably already saying the same things since you’re on our Website, right? Steel roofing….the last roof you’ll EVER buy, and it’s carries a NON PRO-RATED WARRANTY for as long as you own your home, transferable for 40 years!

Look familiar?

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36040 Caronia Circle
Avon, Ohio 44011


322 North Shore Drive
Bldg. 1B, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Now Scheduling for Spring and Summer 2025