Whether you’re hoping to sell your home next week or next year, it’s never too early to start thinking about property value. In-ground pools and home theaters may seem like the way to go when you’re seeking to raise your home’s property value, but these expensive additions may actually hinder your ROI in the long run. Simpler home renovations are the key for how to raise your home’s property value. Below are a few simple home renovations that can yield a beneficial return on investment when you’re ready to sell your house.

Make a good first impression

Good first impressions are crucial to raising your home’s property value. Begin with good landscaping and curb appeal: trim back any foliage that might obscure the view of your home, and repair any scratches on your home’s siding or cracks in the driveway or sidewalk. This will help your home appear polished and tidy. You may also consider installing new windows, painting the front door, and replacing your roof. These renovations may be a bit more time-consuming, but they’ll certainly pay off in the long run and lead to a larger ROI when it comes time to sell your home.

Make your home efficient

With many homeowners now placing an increased importance on green living, outfitting your home with energy-efficient updates is a great way to increase resale value. Low-flow faucets and showerheads and energy-efficient appliances are simple additions that can significantly reduce your home’s energy use. You can also replace your roof with a more energy-efficient option such as metal roofing. Properly insulating your attic will also ensure that your heating and cooling systems aren’t overworked and that they don’t expel more energy than necessary.

Make it low-maintenance

As we’ve stated, additions such as a pool may seem profitable at first, but they may actually decrease your home’s property value due to the fact that these additions often require a significant amount of maintenance. Choosing lower-maintenance features is a more beneficial way to raise your home’s property value. Buyers will be more inclined to purchase a home that can stand the test of time and that won’t require extra maintenance during that time. Metal roofing, for instance, is a very durable and long-lasting roofing option. Unlike asphalt, tile, or wood shingle roofs, which are more susceptible to cracks and damages, metal roofing requires much less maintenance during its long lifespan. To learn more about how metal roofing can increase your home’s property value, contact our team at Distinctive Metal Roofing. Our team of skilled metal roofing professionals in Ohio is eager to help you update your home.

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