Thanks to all of you who visited our booth at the Great Big Home and Garden Show at the IX Center last week! Our metal roofing products got a BIG boost from Matt Fox (from HGTV’s long running series “Room to Room” and his current series “Around the House with Matt and Shari”). Matt was excited about our company and materials and his daily presentations featuring Distinctive Metal Roofing lead to local news coverage for us. Be sure to tune in to “Around the House with Matt and Shari” on PBS. Matt and Shari will be speaking at the upcoming Akron Home and Garden Show on 2/26 & 2/27 so come out to say hello to them! You’ll be glad you did!! Check out their Website at
- They created the very first show to air on HGTV, the ever popular room by room.
- They hold the record for the longest running decorating show in TV history, 12 years and over 350 episodes.
- Having aired in over 90 million homes, they have taught literally millions their detailed process of step by step decorating, improving the lives and homes of many. Add to the list 2 successful decorating books, a nationally syndicated newspaper column and a decorating website that has become an internet staple and you’d have to say that…….It seems Matt and Shari have been decorating forever!
Their latest project is the creation of their third TV series called “around the house with Matt & Shari” that debuted in mid December, 2010 on public television stations across the country. Finally, their entertaining educational style will be available to anyone with a television! Look out houses, homes, apartments and condos, people everywhere are going to want to “Matt & Shari” their spaces like never before!