Northeast Ohio homeowners ask, “how much is a metal roof in comparison to asphalt?”

When discussing the issue of cost, it’s worth remembering that when you are considering a permanent roofing solution, as compared to a temporary roofing solution (asphalt), think hard about your objectives. Here’s a list that will help you qualify yourself as a good candidate for a metal roof…

1) do you plan on living in your house for more than 15 years?

2) are you at an age where you can see yourself replacing your roof at least two times, including this time (keeping in mind that a temporary asphalt roof lasts, on average, 12 – 15 years…sometimes as little as 9)?

3) do you enjoy the thought of owning something you’ve purchased that looks and performs as well today as it will 50+ years from now?

4)  are you someone that appreciates environmentally friendly products?

5) would you prefer a “one time fix” to an ongoing need?

6) do you enjoy feeling that you really got something of value for what you paid for it?

7) can you justify a long term investment vs. a short term purchase if it saves you a lot of money in the long run?

If you answered “YES!” to one or more of the above questions, you may very well be someone that would appreciate the benefits of a metal roof. While costs vary considerably from roof to roof based on size, complexity, and steepness, the best way to find out how much a metal roof will cost is to have Distinctive Metal Roofing provide you with a FREE quote. It’s simple and easy. While we’re at it, we’ll help you make the right decision for your set of circumstances. NO PRESSURE, NO OBLIGATION….PROMISE! Please Email or call….we’re here to help.


When’s the last time you were able to buy a U.S. made product, let alone one that was manufactured in Ohio?

  • Distinctive Metal Roofing is located in Avon, Ohio
  • Kassel and Irons is located in Piqua, Ohio.
  • Suppliers of standing seam are based in Middleburg Heights and Jefferson, Ohio
  • All U.S. steel products with up to 30% recycled U.S. steel ingredients!

Let’s all do our part to fuel our state and federal economy.

Distinctive Metal Roofing logo

36040 Caronia Circle
Avon, Ohio 44011


322 North Shore Drive
Bldg. 1B, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Now Scheduling for Spring and Summer 2025