Due to the overwhelming demand in Columbus for metal roofing, Distinctive Metal Roofing is now serving Columbus, Ohio as well as Northeast Ohio. Our roofing crews are centrally located and we’ve always loved Columbus to begin with. So if you’re living in any one of the areas below, or those surrounding them, and find yourself exhausted from replacing your asphalt roof every 10 – 15 years, give us a call and we’ll provide you with a free estimate for the metal roofing style of your choice.

Columbus area suburbs where we’ll be working:

  • New Albany
  • Westerville
  • Hilliard
  • Dublin
  • Marysville
  • Upper Arlington
  • Delaware
  • Pickerington
  • Gahanna
  • Worthington
  • and more!

Our steel roofing comes in great colors and styles to choose from , it’s beautiful, and a steel roof will last for over 6 decades! Plus, our major supplier for materials, Kassel and Irons, is located only a couple of hours from Columbus in Piqua, Ohio. An Ohio based material manufacturer, Ohio based crew…what’s better? Are you in or near one of these areas? Help build the Ohio economy. Give us a call and let’s talk!


Distinctive Metal Roofing logo

36040 Caronia Circle
Avon, Ohio 44011


322 North Shore Drive
Bldg. 1B, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Now Scheduling for Spring and Summer 2025